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i would recommend fish that look different from your male betta. male bettas fight other male bettas, and if aggravated they will try to tear apart most fish with flowing fins. they dont even seem to care about size. i recommend catfish and mollies. stay away from fin nippers. and any fish with long fins, even long tailed guppies. you could keep your betta with angelfish too, but angelfish need a really big tank, like 30-40 gallons (for one or two angels).

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15y ago
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13y ago

Ghost shrimp,Cherry shrimp,Gold Mystery Snail,and Mollys are best.But a Betta fish can be with ANY fish,as long as the Betta fish is the LAST fish in the tank!take him out and try again the next day if he is acting aggressive.

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10y ago

Bettas (Siamese fighting fish) actually do need a heater unless they are in a location that allows the water temperature to reach 78F to 80F and remain at that temperature.

If that temperature is consistent, then you could consider some tetras, ghost shrimp, or even some rasboras provided you have enough space.

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11y ago

amano shrimp but introduce the fighter after the shrimp as they can be very territorial!

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What kind of water for Siamese fighting fish?

deffo salt watercoz i have a tank full of siamese fighting fish and i keep them in saltwater

What is a suitable model of Juwel Aquarium in which to keep one Siamese Fighting Fish?

The Jewel Vision 260 Aquarium is suitable for keeping one Siamese Fighting Fish. One can also keep other tropical, marine and coldwater fish in this aquarium.

Can you keep two Siamese fighting fish in a bowl?

Two males will kill each other.

What are limiting factors for Siamese Fighting fish?

you can not keep two males together as they do fight each other

What nice fish an live in a 5 gal tank?

The only fish you can keep in a 5 gallon tank is one betta (Siamese fighting fish) on it's own as that is a very small tank.

If you have a medium sized bowl and have a Siamese fighting fish in it is it okay to keep another fish in it or would it be too full?

There are not many fish that can be kept with Siamese fighting fish. They are able to survive in small bowls because they have a breathing organ (a labyrinth) that allows them to breathe some atmospheric air. While they will get on with most catfish, livebearers and other small fish, these other fish will not be happy in a bowl. If you add a filter, you could keep some pygmy corydoras, otocinclus catfish, ember tetras or white cloud mountain minnows. Each of these are schooling species, buy at least 3 and be aware you will now have a lot more water changes to do.

What is the Adoptation for the Siamese Fighting fish?

If you mean adoption fee I got mine for $4.00 just keep in mind that most pet stors dont have females.

Are there any Japanese fighting fish that you can keep with other cold water fish?

no. they are tropical fish.

What is the best fish for kids?

Depends what age. <6 Gold fish of Siamese Fighting fish are nice, easy fish to keep. A tank with just snails and shrimp is also an option Over 8 there are a few options; Guppies are pretty cool to keep but they are crazy breeders same with Mollies and Platies. Danios don't breed that much but they are not as hardy as the other fish I've mentioned

Can you keep fighting fish with normal fish?

Yes, they'll leave each other alone.

Are there any Japanese warrior fish that can be with other fish?

The 'Japanese fighting fish' is another name for the fish correctly named Betta splendens. They only fight with others of the same species. That means you can keep most fish species that enjoy similar environmental conditions with them.

Can you put 2 male bettas in a 111234 gallon tank?

If two male Betta (Siamese fighting fish) meet, no matter the volume of the tank, they will fight. Some breeders will put opaque sheet partitions in the tank to keep the male fish out of sight from each other. Females will happily keep together in the same tank.