

What fish can you put in the water with a Betta?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Not every fish is okay, maybe check with a fish expert at a local pet store and see. But, whatever you do, don't put two Siamese Fighting Fish together. They WILL fight!

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Q: What fish can you put in the water with a Betta?
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How do you clean the Betta's fish tank without killing it?

heat water up, put it in the sink and then put the fish in the sink. (plz remember to put the plug in)

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Betta fish are best as a solitary fish and are not compatible with goldfish.

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It depends on the type/brand of conditioner, and how much water is the Betta tank can hold.

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If you put a dead one on top of the water they might nip it

What cold water fish can you put in your fish bowl?

A betta fish can live in water set at room temperature, but anything below 68 will start to become fatal.

How do you stop betta fish from mating?

the betta fish is a very beautiful fish but maybe put them in a seperate bowl for awhile.

What kind of fish doesn't a male betta fish eat?

You can try to put Guppy fish in with your Betta fish. That would be one of the only fish that i would put in with my Betta fish. I say that because i have a Betta male and he is OKAY with guppies. the first guppy i put in his died to to getting picked on by him but the others did not, so just give him another chance if you decide to get guppies. Hope i helped!

Can you put an angelfish and a betta fish in the same tank?

No...betta fish are usually aggressive and might kill the angelfish.

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Betta fish was first found in the rivers of Thailand.They are basically river water fish.......