

What fish has lowest mercury levels?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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It's hard to say which have the lowest, but Catfish, Herring, N. Atlantic Mackerel, Oyster, Sardine, Tilapia, Trout, Whitefish, and Wild Salmon have the lowest Mercury levels of most of the fish you can buy.

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Q: What fish has lowest mercury levels?
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Does hake have high mercury levels?

On the Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC) site, hake are placed in the list of fish with the lowest mercury levels. Their mercury levels are similar to that of other common fish such as anchovies, pollock, and salmon.

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Usually, fish.

Is eating fish everyday good for health?

Fish is good for you but can also contain high levels of mercury and PCB's. Many websites offer analysis's of mercury levels in fish, just search fish + mercury in Google. Fish like tuna and swordfish can contain very highlevels of mercury. I wouldn't go out of your way to eat fish everyday, but make sure you get at least 2 servings of oily fish a week

Can you eat cat fish if your pregnant?

Yes. Cat fish and essentially all freshwater fish have minimal levels of mercury.

What is the food that is most likely to contain mercury?

Swordfish, tilefish and shark are amongst the highest. Larger, predatory fish tend to have higher levels of mercury than small herbivores, since they accumulate all the mercury their prey has consumed.shark!

Is eating too much fish bad for you?

To much of any good thing can still be bad. It depends what type of fish. Some fish have higher mercury levels then other fish. Fish are genarlly very healthy, if you eat or like alot of fish try to eat fish with the lowest mercury levels, wild fish are much more healthy then farm raised in pens like gold fish packed gill to gill.

What fish is lowest in cholesterol levels?

I don't know. That is why I am asking the question. But I am not getting any answer.

What contains high levels of mercury?

Certain types of fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish can contain high levels of mercury due to bioaccumulation in their bodies. It is recommended to limit consumption of these fish, especially for pregnant women and young children, as high levels of mercury can be harmful to health.

What kind of fish is bad for you?

Fish with high levels of mercury, like tuna and swordfish.

Can eating fish everyday with healthy side dishes hurt you?

Eating fish is very healthy, especially the ones with lots of fish oil. Fish has iron and Omega 3 (a great source for brain food). However, you should be aware that mercury levels are relatively high in Fish. You don't want to be consuming Mercury everyday of your life. I should note that Mercury levels are especially high in large predatory fish. Moderation is the answer. I hope you found this answer useful.

Why is it not a good idea to eat fish?

Some fish may contain high levels of heavy metals, like mercury, which are toxic.