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Actually, butterflies don`t eat the actual flower. They eat a liquid-like material from the flower called nectur. Therefore, all of the flowers that butterflies use as a food resource survive because they are eating the necxtur from the flower.

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Q: What flower will survive even if a butterfly eats it?
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Why butterfly and flower is an example of mutualism?

They benefit each other by: A butterfly pollinate flowers and disperse seeds where no other wildlife can. This relationship is called "mutualism". And this relationship between the butterfly and the flower is very important,even to human beings. and that's the answer......well that's right!

What eats a glass wing butterfly?

-A glasswing butterfly eats the same thing as a regular butterfly with no name... *All butterfly's eat nectar from a majority of flowers!.

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From as far as I'm aware of, they have no natural predators. Not from lack of them, that's for sure, but more because of the alkaloids they have absorbed when they are first laid from the Nightshades (the only plants which they lay their eggs on).This toxic chemical has no effect on them, even to adulthood, but does leave them tasting quite bad. Because of this bad taste, no predators want to eat them.

What are 3 flowers butterflies us for nectar?

Butterflies use almost any flower for nectar if they can get their proboscis into it. Some butterflies don't like nectar and prefer to drink from rotten fruit, puddles, or even feces. Of the butterflies that do prefer nectar, some preferred flower species (in the U.S. anyhow) are milkweed, joe pye weed, butterfly weed, butterfly bush, clovers, and thistle.

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Adult Emperor Gum moths don't eat. They mate, lay eggs, and then die within the week. They don't even have mouth parts.

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It can adapt and survive almost anywhere, even in human environment and global warming.

What is the tube that a butterfly uses to eat?

This tube is called a Proboscis and is actually two tubes.When the butterfly emerges from it's pupa the two separate tubes need to be 'zipped' together for the proboscis to work properly. If the butterfly is unable to do this, it will die.Once the proboscis is working the butterfly seeks out food, or energy. Butterfly food can be flower pollen, tree sap, plant juices that are sweet, rotting fruit, dung (usually bird) and even carrion, or the decaying flesh of animals.The butterfly excretes enzymes through the proboscis that breaks food down allowing it to be sipped up into this straw-like tube. Because butterflies also require minerals and salts, they 'puddle' in water and even urine for these.

What eats a daisy flower?

I dont even kno Sheep, rabbits, in the UK, sometimes deer, depending on what has already grazed there. For the rest of the world, marmots, ground squirrels, hamsters, etc,etc.

What does green tree python eats?

It eats anything it can get, even humans.

What are some good webkinz butterfly names?

Dear Question-Asker: Some good names for your butterfly are what it looks like. Fluffy? Juju? Lady Butterfly? Camera? Perhaps even Ecto would be appropriate if your butterfly is white.

Is lantana dangerous to the Richmond birdwing butterfly?

Lantana is not dangerous to the Richmond Birdwing butterfly. Lantana is a common plant of the subtropical rainforest and, even though it is not a native plant, the Richmond birdwing butterfly feeds on it.