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Q: What flowering plants grow grow under black walnut tree?
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What plants do not bear flowers?

All plants included under the plant kingdom except Phanerogamae ( flowering plants ) are devoid of flowers.

Are grass plants?

Grasses ARE plants. They are categorized under Non-flowering Plants.

Why are ferns grouped under non flowering plants?

Ferns are grouped under non flowering plants because they don 't bear flowers but it bears pores under the surface of it leaves.

Spores are found under the leaf of which group of plants?

non-flowering plants -.- not fungi cause fungi are gills not leaves

What are the similarity between plant hibiscus and plant mango?

different: hibiscus plant is a flowering plant but fern is not a flowering plant.

Which plant is a flowering plant?

Type your answer here... All flowering plants fall under the category of angiosperms. In taxonomy, they belong to the division or phyla of Magnoliophyta. There are over 250,000 species of angiosperms which makes up about 80% of all the living plants on Earth.

Will rhododendron grow under walnut tree?

Most rhododendrons and azaleas are killed by juglone, the toxic agent in black walnut. I know that a couple rhododendrons and azaleas are not killed. They include: Rhododendron periclymenoides Azalea 'Gibraltar' Azalea 'Balzac' Fortunately walnut leaves aren't nearly as big a problem as the roots and hulls. Conversely, some rhododendrons will kill plants planted near them. That is one thing that is so insidious about R. ponticum in England. The ponticum runs rampant and kills some of the native plants.

What tree grows walnuts?

These plants grow well in a bed around the trunk of a large black walnut tree in my garden in central Maryland (Zone 7): Black-eyed susans (rudbeckia) ; daylilies (hybrid & common), hostas (various cultivars), impatiens, tradescantia, carpet bugle (ajuga reptans) Also growing well nearby (under walnut tree canopy but about 4 feet from the trunk): two sedum cultivars, monkshood (aconitum carmichaelii), honeysuckle cultivar; pink turtleheads (chelone lyonii), climbing eunonymus, Virginia bluebells, None of these plants are adversely affected by the tree's supposed toxins.

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What is classifiyng in science?

Classifying is done to make it easier to understand what that particular object is. when we say that humans are classified under animals we mean that humans are part of animal categories . classification is never ending for example if some things are classified under plants and animals then there also several classifications will be there. under plants categories one will find several other classifications like flowering , non flowering then again flowering can be classified on the basis of how they disperse their seeds then it can be further classified what conditions are required for such dispersion and so on. And classification does not mean just classifying plants and animals , rocks , food , insects , planets just about anything.

What is the scientific name for plants that do not flower?

Plants that do not bear flowers or seeds are commonly called as non-flowering plants. Some plants that fall under this category are fungi, mosses and ferns.