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Ceanothus bush has hundreds of light blue lilac type flower heads that are a bee magnet .I was amazed

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Q: What flowers should one plant for bees UK?
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How does pollen move in fertilization?

the wind or bees can carry it to other flowers. In some cases it may even travel down rivers

Do two separate hypotheses that might make about bees and flowers?

Two hypotheses about bees and flowers might include that bees are attracted to purple flowers. Another one could be that bees are attracted to flowers that are brighter colors instead of dark colors.

How do Bangladeshi plant honey?

Your questions is very confusing ... no one can plant honey don't you know that ... but to get honey their are bees and the more flowers we get the more bees get honey put them in their hive and we get from their hive .... we also can get honey from flowers ourselves.... i don't know much even being a bangladeshi ..cause stay in Kuwait ...

Why are bees important for plants?

Bumblebees are extremely important to the plant life-cycle. This is because they play a vital role in pollinating plants by spreading the pollen from one plant to another, ensuring that the plant can reproduce. Without bumblebees to pollinate plants, it would be very difficult to grow a lot of the foods we have come to rely on such as tomatoes, apples and cucumbers.

Pollen from flowers on one plant can fertilize flowers on a different plant. what is this process called?

Pollen from flowers on one plant can fertilize flowers on a different plant. What is this process called?'

What could one conquer with an army of bees?

A field of flowers

Bees pollinate flowers what do they take from one flower to another?


What is one way that pollen is scattered to other flowers?

One way is that bees would take pollen from nearby flowers, then drop it over other flowers.

Why does nectar from flowers attract bees?

New evidence shows that bees see the world in a higher-frequency prism of light than humans & the flowers seem to "light up" as if under a black light for them. If you could see what they see, you would understand their excitability around the flowers & their ability to move directly toward the flowers from a great distance.

Why would plant die if bees dont exsiste?

Most flowers rely on insects to transfer pollen from one flower to another. Bees do more pollination than any other insect. So if bees disappeared, a lot of plants would not be pollinated and would not produce any seed.

Do bees pollinate orange trees?

Yes. Bees pollinate most flowers and trees. One of a bees favorite places is a orchard where fruit trees are everywhere.

What is the bee responsible for in a life cycle of a plant?

Some plants produce nectar and pollen that acts as the bees' food. Trees can be a structure for their homes, called beehives. and Because if there was no plant for the bee to pollinate they would no longer have food and they bees also are a huge part of the human race. lately bumble bees have been reducing dangerously in numbers. if these bees all die than the flowers will stop being pollinated and that means less oxygen and the human race along with every other animal on earth will die eventually.