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Gastric juice.

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Q: What fluid in the body has the highest hydrogen ion concentration?
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Where is the highest concentration of solutes in tubular fluid is found?

The highest concentration of solutes in tubular fluid is found in the deep medullary regions of the kidney, known as the renal medulla. This high solute concentration is necessary for the kidneys to concentrate urine and maintain water balance in the body.

What organ has the highest concentration of catylase?

The liver has the highest concentration of catalase enzyme in the body. Catalase helps to break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, protecting cells from oxidative damage.

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Where in the human body is the highest concentration of capillaries?

The lungs of course

Where is the greatest concentration on sodium found in the body?

The greatest concentration of sodium in the body is found in the extracellular fluid, which includes the fluid in the blood and the fluid surrounding the cells. Sodium plays a vital role in regulating fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contraction.

Which body fluid has the highest volume in your body?

Blood. You have roughly 10 pints of blood in your body. No other fluid in your body reaches that volume so the blood wins.

Why is it important that the concentration of urea is kept very low in the dialysis fluid?

the concentration of urea should be kept low in the dialysis fluid because urea is harmful for our body if it is not removed.

In the human body field what is the fluid perilymph?

Perilymph is a fluid present in the scala vestibuli and scala tympani which are the perilymph compartments of the inner ear. It has the same ionic concentration as the extracellular fluid present in the entire body

What are the types of isotonic solution?

is0tonic solutions are those solutions that have the same concentration with the body fluid.

What individual should have the highest concentration of protein in his or her diet?

Infants have the highest protein needs relative to body weight of any time of life.