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Q: What food can a fish find in their natural habitat?
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Lions are top predators or are on top of the food chain in their natural habitat while we humans are on the top of the food chain in our natural habitat.

What do fish eat in a natural aquarium?

fish food

How do fish use the pond habitat?

They use it for food and breeding.

What is meant by artificial feed of fishes?

Fish can be fed fish food or artificially created food. This is different from natural food which is made from natural ingredients.

What eats a cray fish in the food web in a pond habitat?

The haren eats the cray fish

Is the star fish food near their habitat?

In most cases, yes

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When does gold fantail fish mate?

Usually they breed when conditions are most like there natural habitat!! It all depends on the conditions, food, pH, lighting, temperature, and sometimes even the season.

What other things do the bandy bandy snake eat because can not seem to find any blind snakes?

If you cannot source its natural food - return the reptile to its natural habitat to fend for itself !

When do clown fish die?

they can live up to four years in aquariums or they can live up to eight years and theylive to 45years or 50 years in their natural habitat,so now you arn't a dummy anymore because i just told you how old clown fish can live up too.

What is natural fish food?

zooplankton, phytoplankton, algae, fish, insects, invertibrates.