

What food can noot eat with chop sticks?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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You can eat any food with chop sticks if you try :) well expect pudding maybe :D

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Can you drink spaghetti?

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What is a legitimate use for chop sticks?

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What are Chinese chop sticks?

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You can't.

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Why do Chinese people use chop sticks when they eat?

The Chinese and Japanese use morsels of food so that it is easier to eat with chopsticks.

What do you use to eat in china or Japan?

chop sticks!knife and forks!fingers!

Name a food that is hard to eat with chop sticks?

1) Soup 2) Ice cream 3) Steak 4) Pizza 5) Chicken 6) Peas

Why do Japanese people use chopsticks instead of forks?

Chop sticks are used as hair decorations, to eat food, and to cook food also. They are multi purpose tools. Japanese culture is very practical and efficient.