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The very best thing for newly hatched chicks is called chick starter. This produce is produced by all companies that supply feed and grains to livestock and is readily available in all country feed and grain store all year long. Chick starter come in medicated , regular and often organic varieties and is just the right size and shape for even the smallest chicks to eat and digest.

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15y ago
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14y ago

When the ducklings hatch they eat duck crum. DO NOT feed them chick crum it is not good for them, but chicks can have duck crum.

DO NOT LISTEN TO THE TOP! Ducklings cant swallow whole crums! They will die if you listen to that! I will tell you what to feed them exactly! :


1.Use duck starter from your local hatchery

2.My friend raises chickens and she makes her own mixture. Once I find the recipe I will post it for everyone to see it and use it.

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Q: What do chicks eat right after hatching?
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Can chicks be removed from the mother hen after hatching?

yes it can if your are wearing the right protection

How do chicks eat before haching?

They actually eat the yolk of the egg to grow and to hatch. After hatching they do not need food for a few days.

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right away. some caterpillars even start eating their eggshells after hatching. (*

How does hatching done?

you hatch eggs to grow the chicks into chickens for their meat and eggs to eat

How do you feed baby chicks just hatched from an incubator but their eyes not yet open?

Chicks absorb the yolk before hatching; they have enough nutrients via the yolk to last for 48 hours. DO NOT REMOVE the chicks from the incubator until they are fully dry, and the whole clutch has finished hatching.

How do you prepare forthe hatching of chicks?

By putting the eggs near a warm place.

How old is a chick before it eats?

Chicks can lastfor 3 days after hatching without food, becausethey are still living off the yolks,but they usually eat before that.

Do chicks hatch by themselves?

Yes, they do. It's bad for the chick to induce hatching yourself.

What is the definition of hatching?

Hatching is the process in which baby birds (called chicks) come out of the egg they are born in. The chicks have an egg tooth that they use to break out of the egg. Once the chick has broken the eggshell, its egg tooth will fall off. I hope this helps!

Can people eat chicks?

yes people can eat chicks

Do you get greyish spots before hatching?

Do You? Your not talking to animals, And plus,People dont hatch...But chicks do