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All edibles at the South Pole are brought in based on what suppliers can send in. Foodstuffs are acquired wherever the lowest bidder has been able to purchase them. They are generally frozen or dried foodstuffs, with fresh produce at a premium, and rarely available.

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Q: What food is available in the South Pole?
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Why is there more food available in the South Pole than the North Pole?

The main reason is that the North Pole is actually just an ice shelf, and incapable of supporting life. The South Pole sits on a landmass - the continent of Antarctica. Ocean currents also have a major effect, bringing zooplankton and krill to the area.

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No. There is no animal life on Antarctica -- where you'll find the South Pole, nor is there a food chain there.

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There are no natural-occuring living organisms at the South Pole. It's too cold and there is no food chain there.

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No. The South Pole is covered with 9,000 feet of ice. Walrus require open water, and warmer water than is available north of the pole in the Southern Ocean.

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North is the only direction available when traveling from the South Pole.

What kind of food would you bring to the south pole?

candy canes,and normal food that you would bring when you are traveling. dont forget hot cocoa because the south pole has really cold weather.

What is the name of the two far end poles of magnet?

North pole, and south pole.North pole, and south pole.North pole, and south pole.North pole, and south pole.

what poles are unlike a magnet?

North pole and South pole

How many miles is it from the south pole to the north pole?

It takes about 12,450.5 miles from the north pole to the south pole or south pole to north pole.

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south pole