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Donkeys and other Equine should not be exposed to milk weed, it is poisonous to them. They should not consume insilage or silage corn as it is too rich and may cause founder or other digestive complications.

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Chocolate and Cheese as the ingredients can poison them

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Q: What food should not be fed to donkeys?
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What Do Donkeys Eat?Donkeys are grazing animals, just like horses. In the wild, they mainly graze on grass. However, they also eat straw, tree leaves, bark, some flowers and brambles. Donkeys that are are raised by humans are fed hay (dried grass) when the grass is not growing. Donkeys love eating bread, peppermints and ginger biscuits, but these rot their teeth!

What food should not be fed to toddlers?

Any food that is hard, difficul to chew or undercooked should not be fed to toddlers. This includes things like sushi and hard candies.

Can donkeys eat peanuts?

What Do Donkeys Eat? Donkeys are grazing animals, just like horses. In the wild, they mainly graze on grass. However, they also eat straw, tree leaves, bark, some flowers and brambles. Donkeys that are are raised by humans are fed hay (dried grass) when the grass is not growing. Donkeys love eating bread, peppermints and ginger biscuits, but these rot their teeth!

How many lbs of food do donkeys eat?

It is not harmful for a donkey to eat cheese, but it is not healthy. Donkeys should be fed grasses and grains.

What food donkey takes?

Donkeys will eat just about anything, but that doesn't mean that you should give them anything. Pellets, carrots, apples, and hay are just a few things that donkeys can eat.

What food should not be fed to a pug?

sugar, chocolate. stuff like that.

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Can kittens eat watermelon?

After weaning, they should only be fed kitten food.

How long can a painted turtle pet go without food?

They should be fed vegetable matter or Turtle Bites at least twice daily. They should be fed their staple diet food, such as Reptomin, daily or at least every other day. They should be fed protein weekly. They can also be given treats, such as fruit, on a weekly basis.

What human food do fiddler crabs eat?

Fiddler crabs should never eat human food. They are not able to digest human food. However, they should be fed crab food or fish food.

How much should a fish be fed?

Use 3 shakes of fisk flakes(food)

What is eating habits of donkey?

Donkeys love to eat and they like high quality food. In addition to their hay and grains, they love good quality oat straw and barley. They also like to have several food items to choose from instead of just being fed one thing at a time.