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Type B blood types should avoid foods with sunflower seeds or nuts. They should eat plenty of fish. They should avoid shellfish. Dairy food's are good for those with type B blood.

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Q: What foods are better for B blood types?
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Does eating have to do with blood types?

There are certain foods that are better for certain blood types. For example, people with type B blood type should focus on a dairy centered diet. A person with type A should focus on an organic vegetarian diet.

On the blood type diet, what types of foods are prohibited on the type B blood food list?

The Blood Type Diet plan can be found on Dr. Peter D'Adamo's website, This website has lists of foods and supplements for people with various blood types, including Type B.

What is a list of foods for B blood type?

There are list of foods that are better for your diet depending what blood type you are. Some of the foods that are recommended are dairy, beans fruits and vegatables. There are even some foods that help out with weight loss.

What are the major blood types?

There are eight types of blood. The blood types can be either A, B, AB, or O. Each one of these blood types can be either negative or positive. So you would have A- or A+, B- or B+ and so on.

What types of foods should individuals with the B blood type be eating?

The dietary recommendations for someone with a B blood type include the following: low-fat dairy, meat, and produce. Proponents of the diet say that B blood types have a tolerant digestive system but they should avoid corn, wheat, and beans.

The names of the blood types?

the four types of blood are A, B, AB, and O

What are the many types of blood?

there are 8 types of blood a+, b+, o+, ab+,a-,b-,o-,ab-

What is the difference in diets for a blood type specific and nutritional?

Find a book on blood type diets. People with A blood types have their own set of recommended foods, just as people with B blood types. People with the blood type AB can eat a mix of both the diets.

Can A blood and B blood create B BLOOD?

if both blood types is heterozygous the answer is yes

What are The blood proteins A and B?

they are blood types

Is B positive a good blood health wise?

No blood is any better than another in regards to health. The only difference is some blood types are more accepting of other blood types if you ever need a blood transfusion.

How does blood type B affect the types of food I should eat?

People with different blood types should be careful as to what they eat, as some blood types are more susceptible to various diseases. For example, a person with type B blood should be careful not to eat too many corn, wheat, tomatoes, or peanut products as these types of foods can cause a greater weight gain than they do for those with a different blood type.