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Food has not been directly linked to Arthritis pain, but if you are eating too much and become overweight, the extra strain on your bones can cause more pain.

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Q: What foods have been found to contribute to arthritis pain?
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What food cannot take by arthritis?

Unless you have gouty arthritis (In which case you have to avoid foods high in purines) you don't really have to worry about avoiding any foods. there has been no relation ship found between died and the symptoms of arthritis. However individuals with arthritis commonly report that their symptoms get worse if they eat particular foods. these foods hover are different depending on the individual concerned.

How do arthritis occurs?

i have arthritis and ive been wondering how you get it but i found out that they dont really know

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To date no cure for arthritis has been found.

What are some foods that help with arthritis pain?

Fruits and vegetables have been show to reduce inflammation related to arthritis. You can find out more tips and information here:

What diets will help my grandma with arthritis?

Although a specific diet hasn't been formulated for arthritis, it is believed that dairy, foods high in saturated fat, and nightshade veggies (tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes) tend to aggravate arthritis more. A great idea would be to keep a food diary and see after what meals/foods her arthritis gets worse.

Are there foods that help arthritis?

Although these foods are not magical and will not cure you, they have been known to ease the pain of arthritis: Fatty fish, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, milk, lemons, oranges, onions, cherries, and green tea. Foods to avoid include: Shellfish, red meat, and soybean oils.

Do foods of the nightshade family cause inflammation?

"Much has been written regarding the role of the nightshade family of foods. The connection between rheumatoid arthritis and these foods was originally made by Childers, a horticulturist, who found that eliminating foods of the nightshade family cured his arthritis. While his theory--that long-term consumption of the alkaloids in potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, paprika, cayenne, and tobacco inhibit collagen and cartilage repair--has never been proven, it is true that some patients find relief from their symptoms when they eliminate these foods. There is an animal model for arthritis: if cows are mistakenly given fodder that is heavily laced with wild-growing nightshade family plants, they actually develop a type of osteoarthritis. Anyone who suffers from arthritis could try avoiding these foods for a month and then gradually reintroducing them to see whether they affect the symptoms." Nathan Wei, MD, FACP, FACR

Can ostrich oil help foot arthritis?

It is doubtful there are many forms of arthritis that can effect the foot and to date no cure has been found for any of them.

Had a bone scan 12 years ago said you had arthritis in your shoulders hips Had another bone scan 2 months ago no arthritis showing Also just diagnosed with fibromyalgia could it have been the fibro?

Fibromyalgia does not cause arthritis in itself. Arthritis would contribute to the muscle fatigue and other symptoms of this disease.

How do you prevent arthritis if you have family history?

You don't unless you have a history of gout and in that case some dietary restrictions may be helpful ( the control of purine rich foods). However to date there has been no cure developed for arthritis. There are means that may help control damage caused by the onset of inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Can led heal arthritis?

To date no cure or healing agent has been found for arthritis. however if it is lead you are suffering to then that would be very doubtful as it is an extremely toxic metal.

When did arthritis start?

Arthritis has been around for as long as mankind has been.