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cabbage and carrots

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Q: What foods have the most chlorophyll?
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Why is chlorophyll a also called chlorophyll 680?

Because Chlorophyll 680 is Chlorophyll a's most sufficient wave length

Is chlorophyll in other foods not just leafy greens?

Chlorophyll is what plants use to conduct photosynthesis. Chlorophyll makes plants look green so only green plants will have chlorophill in them. Therefore in answer to your question it will just be leafy greens that have chlorophyll in them!

What are some examples of chlorophyll?

Some examples of chlorophyll are chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll c1, and chlorophyll c2. These are the most common types of chlorophyll found in plants and algae. Chlorophyll gives plants their green color and is essential for photosynthesis.

What is the name of the most important chloroplast pigment?

Oxygen The most important chloroplast pigment is chlorophyll.

What does chlorophyll look like?

Chlorophyll is a green coloring that mostly plants have. Chlorophyll is the reason most plants are green.

What color do thylakoids turn to because they contain chlorophyll?

Most likely chlorophyll (but not always) and it will be green.

Compare And Contrast Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b?

Chlorophyll a absorbs energy from most wavelengths of violet/blue and orange/red. Chlorophyll b is more soluble that chlorophyll a in polar solvents and more yellow in color. It absorbs most energy from blue light.

Can you put the word chlorophyll in a sentence?

Chlorophyll is a noun. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria

What wavelength does chlorophyll a absorb the most energy?

Chlorophyll a absorbs the most light (energy) in the blue- violet spectrum

What is the pigment in photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll A and Chlorophyll B, beta carotene, and xanthophyll.

What is the pigment that gives a plant its green color?

Chlorophyll a is the most abundant pigment and it is the pigment that reflects green.

The type of chlorophyll most efficient at capturing red and violet light is chlorophyll a?