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Q: What foods increase your inr?
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What foods help to lower or raise an INR reading?

What foods help lower INR if a person is on Warfarin

Will warfarin increase or decrease the INR?

Warafin is a blood thinner so in theory it should decrease your INR but if your doseage is incorrect it could go either way ^^^^^ This idiot is not true. INR is a ratio of your clotting time compared to the nationalized ratio. If one were to take warfarin, their INR would INCREASE, not decrease.

What can cause a INR level to go up besides vita men K?

INR goes down when with K foods if you don't eat them according to the instuctions of doctor

What effect does acetaminophen have on your inr?

Acetaminophen can increase the results of your INR, meaning your blood would be thinner. You should consult with your physician regarding Tylenol usage as the frequency of testing your PT/INR may need to be increased. However, Tylenol generally has a limited effect on INR's. Consuming the maximum dosage of 4g (4000mg) generally effects the INR very little.

What foods increase intrinsic factor?

what foods help increase intrisic factor

What is the hierarchy of Indian currency?

its paise and rupee. 100 paises = 1 rupee. 1 Rupee / ! INR 2 INR 5 INR 10 INR 20 INR 50 INR 100 INR 500 INR and 1000 INR are std buds available.

What foods increase body heat?

Great Tea and Coconut Oil are two foods that increase body heat. Peanuts and brown rice are two other foods that will increase body heat.

what foods increase and decrease your heart rate?

spicy foods increase our heart rate but nothing will slow it down.

What does 5000 INR ie mean?


What does 25000 INR mean?

25000 inr

What antibiotic changes INR levels?

Macrolide antibiotics like Eryhtromycin and clarihtromyin could increase INR in addition to all antibitotics which could change your gut flora( healthy bacteria which synthesizes vitamin K) which kind of includes most antibiotics

How much is INR 3.5 crore?

It is INR 3,50,00,000.