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Q: What foods relax arteries?
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As heart ventricles contract and then relax blood pressure inside of arteries change from?

systolic to diastolic

What clogs arteries forming heart attacks?

Plaque clogs arteries. Plaque comes from a diet of fatty foods.

What substance clogs the arteries after eating too much fatty foods?


Where can I find information on high triglyceride foods?

High triglyceride foods are very harmful because these are the foods that are known to raise a person's cholesterol and they can clog a person's arteries.

How does the structure of the arteries enable them to withstand high pressure?

Arteries are able to withstand the enormous pressure of blood as it is pumped by the heart and to expand and relax between heart beats.

What would result in eating too much salty foods?

hardening of the arteries (ATHEROSCLEROSIS)

When you eat a lot of fatty foods does your arteries back up and when they do does it cause you to have an heart attack?

It certainly does clog your arteries which can cause heart attacks if people are obese. Then yes, you are right.

Do arteries have valves to allow blood to flow away from the heart?

No, they're aren't any valves in the arteries.

Why is fatty foods bad for you?

If it is trans fat than it can accumulate within your arteries and veins and cause fatal blockages.

What does fatty foods do to your body?

makes you fatEat too much of it and you get fat, your arteries clog up and you die alone

What is the best treatment for calcified coronary arteries?

vitamin k my man and avoid blood thinning drugs/foods

What is the rise and fall of the arteries called?

Systolic is the top number that is when your heart is constricted, and Diastolic is the bottom number when your heart is relaxed in between the steady rythmia of constrict/relax