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my dentist said to have a big dinner before because the next day i couldn't have breakfast and the day of the braces take a small pill that they gave me after they said to have a big lunch cuz you probily won't want to have food later

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Jello, chicken broth, soup with noodles that you can swallow, and most important ICE CREAM.

When I first got my braces, I ate normal food and nothing happened, if that's what you mean.

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Q: What foods should you eat the first few days of braces?
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After you get your braces on does it hurt for a while after?

Yes a bit, your jaw will start to ache a bit after you get you braces, and you might not be able to eat hard foods for a few days but it will get better after about a week..x

What happens when you get your braces on?

they hurt very much at first but you have to get used to them for a couple of days

What should you do when you get braces two days before Christmas Eve?

That is very unfortunate timing and there is only one wise thing you can do. Follow the advice of your doctor and if there are any foods that you should not eat, do not eat them. It might be hard, but it will be beneficial in the long run.

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Can you eat crisps when you have braces?

Of course! i have braces and i eat chips all the time. If you just got your braces on, like 2 or 3 days ago, i would w:)ait. the chips might cause pain, but after 3 days, you should be fine. just be careful, and dont eat like a pig, and your braces will be fine.

Do fixed braces hurt?

At first they do, but after a few hours/days you get used to them. You have nothing to worry about!

After putting braces teeths are weak?

It takes a little bit for your teeth to adjust to braces (and when they get tightened). Usually for a few days soft foods are your best friend, unless you want to feel it every time you bite into something.

Do they numb your gums when you get braces?

No, but it really doesn't hurt. It is a little uncomfortable because they are moving and stretching your lips around but it doesn't hurt until after your braces are all on and your teeth start to move. Your teeth will probably be sensitive for the first few days and you should just eat soft foods like macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, soup, etc.

Does your voice change when you have braces?

No, but for the first couple days, as you're getting used to them, you'll have to get used to talking with them.. It will be weird at first.

What advice is needed when getting braces?

There is lots of advice one should know about when getting braces. Perhaps the best place to find out what one should know is by talking to one's dentist. Some general advice with braces is to avoid any food that is sticky, chewy, or hard. One should expect sore teeth for several days after getting braces and having teeth loosen while wearing the braces is normal and expected and they should regain their rigidity again later.

How bad do braces hurt when you get them?

they dont hurt unles they are being tightened that can happen at almost every check up. so you eat softer foods for a couple days.

Does it hurt having braces HONESTLY and please tell me the thruth?

Well when you first get them on it dosent. But the next morning you wake up it does. You can't even eat or bite. That is why i recommend you biting as much as you can when you get them on or tightened because then it won't hurt as much and you will get used to it.