

What for Moses was selected by God?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Moses was selected by God, to go and free the Hebrew slaves in Egypt, he was to lead them to the promised land.

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Q: What for Moses was selected by God?
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No. Moses was man. God is God and not man (Hosea 11:9).

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No. Moses was not a son of God according to the Old Testament

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The first time God speaks to Moses, Moses hears the voice of God coming from a burning bush that is not comsumed by the flames

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Not likely, as Akhenaten's god was the sun, whereas Moses' God Is Spirit.

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moses learned about God when a bush was on fire but not consumed. God said "I am the God of your father and the father of his father."

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Is Moses in heaven with God?* No, not yet. Though, Moses will be in heaven soon.

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No. God is the Jewish God.

Why did God always speak to Moses?

If you mean why didn't God just free them since he is omnipotent this is because he wanted humans to have free will and that he would not interfere with the people or countries on Earth. If you are then asking then why did he do the 10 plagues in Egypt. This is because Moses was given a choice by God to free them and he did it in his own will and the plagues were not affecting the free will they were signs to Ramses (Pharaoh of Egypt) that God was real and to let his people go.

Why Moses chossen God?

Moses was chosen by God to see that Pharaoh released the Hebrew slaves.