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Q: What force acts on a parachute of a dragster to slow it down?
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What will slow a dragster car down?

A parachute.

Why a parachute is attached with dragster?

The dragster needs a parachute in order to slow down at the end of its run. Brakes alone are not enough. Its the same thing as with the Space Shuttle when landing.

What makes a person slow down when their parachute opens?


Is forces on the parachute upthrust and down force?

Up thrust because the air pushes up and fills up the parachute.

What kind of force opposes the motion of parachute?

Air resistance acts up. Weight acts down. When they are equal in size, the parachutist falls at terminal velocity, without accelerating. Air resistance, like all frictional forces is electromagnetic.

What are the action and reaction forces on the fabric of a parachute when it is deployed?

When a parachute is deployed, the action force is the air resistance pushing against the parachute fabric. This air resistance is created by the change in the air's velocity as it passes through the canopy of the open parachute. The reaction force to this action force is the drag force created by the parachute pulling against the jumper. This drag force is created by the increase in the parachute's surface area, which slows the jumper down as they fall. The drag force is also responsible for the parachute's ability to slow the jumper's descent enough to safely reach the ground.

What is the name of the force which slows down a man falling with a parachute?

air resistance , maybe!

What is a force that acts to slow down?


What does friction do to the dragster?

It slows it down as energy is lost as heat and therefore the dragster has less kinetic energy.

What is the force pulling down a ball on a slope if no other external force acts?


What causes a parachute to slow down?

A parachute... •_•

How does weight affect a parachute?

weight would affect a parachute if you put a 500lb man on a parachute and dropped him gravity would make him travel faster towards the ground compared to if you placed a 92lb boy on a parachute as the parachute applies the same force to both of them but the man weighs more so takes more to slow down and therefor lands down on the ground first By Alister Kelly