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Q: What force acts over the longest distance?
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Do machines increase distance over which force acts?

yes :D

What force is the transfer of energy received when force acts over a distance?

Transfer of energy is called work.

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How can you measure the mass of a photon?

One method is to determine the effectivity of the electromagnetic force over a distance. The electromagnetic force acts over an infinite distance and therefore the photon, the particle that mediates the electromagnetic force, is massless.

What force of nature acts over the longest distance?

Both gravity and the electromagnetic force have infinite range. The color force is limited by its own strength (objects with color charge separated by more than a tiny distance create enough potential energy that it's more energetically favorable to just create a new particle), and the weak force is limited by the mass of its gauge particles to a very small range.

What formula do you use to determine the amount of work on an object?

Assuming that force and distance are in the same direction, and the force is constant, you multiply the force times the distance over which the force acts. If they are not in the same direction, you take the dot product. If the force is not constant, you use an integral.

What does the x mean in force x distance?

Force times distance. Or force over distance.

The strong nuclear force acts?

The strong nuclear force acts on neutrons and proton in the nucleus to hold them together. This is also called binding energy, and it is about 100 times more powerful than the electromagnetic force, which would cause the protons to repel each other.

Do inclined planes help you use less force over a shorter distance?

It's either LESS force over a GREATER distance or MORE force over a SHORTER distance.

A force moving something over a distance?

Work = force * distance moved