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Your question is stupid there is only 1 type of force and if you knew anything about Star Wars you`d know that

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Q: What force did obi wan-kenobi have?
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Obi-Wan Kenobi's body disappears when Darth Vader strikes him down. This is because Obi-Wan has become one with the Force, achieving a state of transcendence known as becoming a Force ghost.

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obi wan would pwn him with the force

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Obi-wan never used the dark side of the force to defeat Darth Maul. Not in the fight on Naboo and not on the fight on Tatooine.

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No His power resides in the force the force never lessens

Why does obi wan and yoda disappear when they die?

They disappear because they are connected to the Force on a special level. Yoda taught Obi-Wan in Episode III.and anakin skywalker got taught by obi-wanalso obi-wan got taught by qui gon jin so i don't get why qui gon is a ghost either

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It contains the force of many fallen Jedi. RIP obi wan.

Who Said May the force be with you in star wars?

Yoda and obi-won

How did Obi-wan recognize Darth Vader on the Death Star if he had never seen him in that armor?

the force

What did Obi Wan achieve in his career?

Obi Wan was a Jedi Master who played a role in the fate of the galaxy of the Galactic Republic. He was a mentor to both Anakin and Luke Skywalker in training them in the ways of the force.

Why do only obi-wan anikin and yoda be a ghost?

Obi-wan,yoda and anakin skywalker became force ghost;s but they weren;t the only ones all the jedi;s became force ghost;s but everone else became into the force when the master yoda said rejoce for those who have fallen for they have transformed into the force that surrunds you.

How did yoda die?

yoda died of age,and, similar to obi wan, his soul left his body and he disappeared, finally becoming one with the force. Also when he became one with the force he turned into a force ghost. something only Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and Yoda can do.