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you have to add or take away energy

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Q: What force has to be overcome in order to change a solid into a liquid?
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What is the Definition of resistance force?

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surface tension

Static friction is the force that must be overcome in order to start something moving?

that is true

Why do molecules evaporate?

Molecules in a liquid must overcome intermolecular forces before they can evaporate. The molecules must also be moving in the right direction and located near the surface in order for evaporation to occur.

What must you do to steam to change its state?

it can either be converted into solid ice or liquid water and for both the reactions you have to release the heat energy of gas moloecules in order to overcome their kinetic energy and intermolecular spaces..

What do you need in order to have a Force greater than zero acting on an object?

Push it, or pull it. You may have to push hard enough to overcome a force of friction.

How is a change in an object's direction related to the applied force?

In order to change direction, the applied force (represented as a Vector) must change DIRECTION. A change in magnitude of the Force is not necessary.

What chemical force must be overcome in order to separate the two DNA strands during replication?

h bond

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Frictional force resists movement. In order to set an object into motion (or accelerate an already moving object), the force of friction must be overcome.

In order to change the velocity there needs to be a?

To need force

What is thrust for an airplane?

Thrust is the produced force of the aircraft that propels the aircraft forward in order to overcome drag. Drag is the natural force of the air that resists the motion of the aircraft.