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upper-thrust, hope that helps

Chloe x


You are probably looking for the word buoyancy. That is the characteristic that enables objects to float.

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How does an egg float on water?

well you will need something that is sticky and heavy also an item is to wrap around an egg that might make it float.i say it migth float because the light objects float and the heavy one yes it will

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hellium is a gas that makes light objects float e.g. balloons

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yes, because water allows light objects like air to float on it

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Transparent objects are the sorts of objects that light passes through. Translucent objects allow the partial transmission of light. Opaque objects prevent the transmission of light.

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Helium is light and it will float / rise.

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Helium is a very light unreactive gas so it can be used in balloons etc.

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it will float bc the penny is so light that it should float.