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Q: What force is responsible for giving a solid its shape?
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What phase of matter maintains its shape when force is applied to it?

A solid will maintain its shape when force is applied to it.

When do solid change its shape?

Solids can only change their shape by force, as when broken or cut.

Why do solids have a regular geometrical shape?

solids have a regular geometrical shape . they have a tendency to maintain their shape when subjected to outside force. solids may break under force but it is difficult to change their shape.

Why does solid have a definite shape?

Because, the atoms of solid very closely packed with each other.

Can rubber be regarded as solid?

a rubber band changes shape under force and regains the same shape when the force is removed.if excessive force is applied it breaks therefore yes

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Why do solids have definite shape?

Solid have definite shape because the particles of solid are closely packed together and they cannot move freely. Therefore the force of attraction of particles in solid is more.

What is the strongest type of intermolecular force and responsible for the very high melting points of solid salts?


Is an empty bottle a solid?

This question was raised by me too, But i soon got it. Solid cannot change its shape but why then the empty bottle is classified as solid if it is able to change its shape?.. Dear friend .. NOTE that its shape can only change by applying force. You can also change shape of a stone (solid) by applying great force. But this all requires force . You put bottle anywhere it will retain its shape. So how can we differentiate it from liquid. water .. if u put water at any place it will change its shape automatically . Same property apply on gas. so solid have a definite shape, distinct boundaries and fixed volumes. But we observe that liquids have no fixed shape but yes a fixed volume. take care .. and thanks for inspiring others to raise questions like u our world Einstien. IMAGINATION IS THE POWER.....

Does plasma have its own shape?

No plasma doesn't have its own shapebecause, it gets formed by force (which makes it a solid). And when there is no force on plasma it turns into a liquid.

How are the molecules in a particular solid different from the molecules of that substance in a liquid form?

the molecules in solids are tigthly packed that is the intermolecular force(cohesive) force is more but in liquids the intermolecular force(cohesive force) is less .solids have fixed shape,volume, mass but liquids have no fixed shape as it takes shape of the container.

Does the shape of the solid metal can be changed when we apply a great force on them?

A great force will bend (shape) any metal. In industry, (car makers, for example) shaped metal parts are formed by using presses.