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Q: What force propels a rocket when it is in a vacuum?
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The reaction force that propels a rocket forward is called?

Thrust ... [ :

What are the forces when a spacecraft takes off?

Thrust is the force that propels a rocket or spacecraft and is measured in pounds, kilograms or Newtons.

What is the force that accelerates a rocket called?

The combustion of rocket fuel ejects a mass of material at high velocity. In accordance with Newton's third law, the momentum of the ejecta generates an equal and opposite reaction - which propels the rocket forward.

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The force of the jet engine propels a jet plane. The force of the engine pushes the exhaust gasses backward at great speed and the plane moves forward. This force propels the jet plane.

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The same way a chemical rocket works. Instead of burning fuel to create a force to propel the rocket, stored pressure released in one direction propels the rocket. Both chemical and pressure rockets make use of Newton's Third Law of Motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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What purpose does water serve in a water bottle rocket?

Water serves as the reaction mass in a water bottle rocket. When the water is pressurized and released, it creates the thrust that propels the rocket into the air. Additionally, the water helps to stabilize the rocket by shifting its center of mass downward as it is expelled.