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Q: What forces can cause land change over time?
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Darwin proposed that there are many forces that cause living things to change over time Give an example of one of these forces?

Darwin proposed that there are many forces that cause living things to changes overtime and one of these forces would be climate. Climate can change organisms and make them adapt.

What cause the land from to change over time?

The plates shifting underneath the earth.

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They are constructive. Volcanic deposits help build up the land.

Are the forces that cause lava to erupt from a volcano and flow over Earths surface constructive or destructive forces?

They are constructive. Volcanic deposits help build up the land.

How did American Indians attitudes about land use change after the europeans arrived?

They already had rivalries over land and resources

What is the degree of change in height over a length of land called?

it is land slope

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The cause is friction

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Ranchers and Farmers fought over land control.

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disputes over land and water

What were the cause of the war between Americans and Mexicans over Texas?

the cause was land, a border dispute.

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the Muslims took over the holy land