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The closed-off upstairs bedroom in "A Rose for Emily" foreshadows the discovery of Homer Barron's corpse, which represents Emily Grierson's inability to let go of the past. The decaying body reflects the decay and repression within Emily's own life.

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Q: What foreshadowes the skeleton in the upstairs bedroom in a rose to Emily?
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What had miss Emily intended the room upstairs to be?

Miss Emily intended the room upstairs to be a bridal chamber for her and Homer Barron. She kept it locked for decades after his disappearance.

Where did Emily Dickinson work?

normally in her bedroom

Why did Emily's house stink in A Rose for Emily?

Emily's house stinks in "A Rose for Emily" due to the decaying corpse of Homer Barron, which Emily has kept in the house after his death. The foul smell is a result of the decomposing body hidden in the upstairs bedroom.

What did Emily do to the man in the story A Rose for Emily?

Miss Emily poisoned the man, Homer Barron and kept his corpse in her bedroom until she died many years later.

Whose skeleton was found in A Rose for Emily?

The skeleton found in "A Rose for Emily" is believed to be the remains of Homer Barron, Emily Grierson's former lover. It is implied that Emily kept his corpse in her house after his death, showing her inability to let go of him.

Where did Emily Dickinson write poetry?

Emily had a very reclusive life. She spent her years living upstairs at her father's house, and this is where she wrote. She wrote as her way to express her feelings to the outside world.

What is found upstairs after miss emily's death?

After Miss Emily's death, the towns people found Homer Barren dead with his body rotten next to a gray hair on the bed. Baka's

Where did Emily Dickinson write her work?

Emily had a very reclusive life. She spent her years living upstairs at her father's house, which is where she wrote. She wrote as her way to express her feelings to the outside world.

Who is Emily in a rose for Emily?

She is an unwed woman in the old south who is discovered to have killed her suitor when he tried to leave her. She kept the corpse in her bedroom and slept beside it every night.

What is the symbolism in 'A Rose for Emily'?

In "A Rose for Emily," the decaying mansion symbolizes the deterioration of the old South and Emily Grierson herself represents the decline of the old Southern values and aristocracy. The locked room upstairs symbolizes Emily's hidden secrets, while the rose in the title symbolizes love, beauty, and the tragedies that come with both.

What are five clues that support the inference on the killing of Homer Barron in A Rose for Emily?

Emily's purchase of arsenic, which is commonly used for poisoning. The strong foul smell coming from Emily's house after Homer's disappearance. Homer's sudden disappearance after entering Emily's house. No sightings or whereabouts of Homer after he entered Emily's home. The discovery of Homer's decomposed remains in Emily's bedroom many years later.

Did Emily Dickinson die alone?

Yes, Emily Dickinson died alone in her bedroom in Amherst, Massachusetts on May 15, 1886. She was known to be reclusive and spent most of her adult life confined to her family home.