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Q: What form is a carbon molecule in when when it is stored in the soil?
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How long is carbon stored in a tree?

Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air releasing the oxygen and retaining the carbon as sugar and cellulose. The cellulose is used to form wood and leaves. The sugar fuels the trees cellular growth and seed formation. The carbon is stored as wood (in the tree itaelf) and in the fallen leaves as humus or carbon in the soil.

What form is food stored in a seed?

Food that is stored inside of a seed is said to be stored in dormant form. This means that the seed will not grow until it is in a place with plenty of good soil, food, and water.

How leaching effects soil?

In soil, water seeps through the A horizon and reacts with humus and carbon dioxide to form acid .

How is carbonic acid produced?

Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere or in soil gases dissolves in water: CO2 + H2O => H2CO3 carbon dioxide + water => carbonic acid

Why isn't carbon in fertilizers?

Plants obtain the carbon that they need in the form of carbon dioxide from the air, not from the soil. Even if carbon were added to fertiliser plants would be unable to make use of it.

Where are onions stored?

in soil

What happen to a large portion of the carbon when organic matter decompose?

When organic matter decomposes, a significant portion of the carbon is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) through the process of respiration by decomposer organisms. Some of this carbon can also be converted into other forms such as methane (CH4) during anaerobic decomposition. However, a small proportion of carbon can be retained in the decomposing material as organic matter in the form of humus or stored in the soil.

How is carbon returned to the soil?

Carbon goes back into the soil when dead animals decompose.

What is the riches of the soil?

the riches of the soil is the carbon.

How does carbon get soil?

Plants and animals are composed largely of carbon so when they die and decompose much of that carbon is put into the soil.

How do soil form and what are the soil profile?

how do soil form and what are the soil profile?

How did carbon get into the soil?