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Q: What form of economy does US have?
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Why are US citizens so important?

US citizens are very important. They form the economy of the country.

What is the verb form of the word economy?

The verb form of economy is "economise".

Show me the history of mixed economy?

The US economy is a mixed economy (in fact, almost every country today has a mixed economy.) I suggest wikipedia for a history of US economy.

Which economy is closer to US economy?

The US economy is closest to a capitalist economy system, although the US has been known to implement a few socialist policies (like more government intervention)

What is the noun form of the word economy?

The word 'economy' is a noun form, a word for the wealth and resources of a country or region; a word for careful use of money and goods; a word for a thing.The word 'economy' also functions as an adjective, used to describe a noun (an economy car; an economy package).

Foreign investment in the US is seen as a sign of in the US economy?

Foreign investment in the US is seen as a sign of in the US economy?

How did the US gain control of the Cuban economy?

The US does not have control over the Cuban economy.

When was the US economy started?

The US economy started at the same time as the USA started

Does the economy control us?

the economy does not control us because we decide what we do with our money and life:)

What was the economy of the US like in November 1784?

what was the economy of the us like in november 1754

What type of economy can the us be characterized as?

A mixed economy

Is the us a true market economy?

No, true market economy is purely theoretical, it never excised. US used mixed economy