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Q: What form of energy does light travel to earth?
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How does the sun' energy travel to the earth?

Electromagnetic radiation... i.e., light. Electromagnetic Waves A+

What was the initial time period from sun to earth?

Light energy in the form of photons, which travel at the speed of Light [298,000 km/sec] take eight minutes to travel from Sol to Earth. Is this the Answer that you are looking for?

How is the sun a form of light energy?

it gives the earth light and warmth.

What dose earth get from the sun?

Energy in the form of light.

Tell why sound which is a form of energy like light cannot travel at the speed of light?

Quite simply, the two things - being "a form of energy" and travelling at a speed of light - are completely unrelated. There are other forms of energy that don't travel at all, like potential energy.

What form does suns energy have when it reaches earth?

The Sun's energy is given out mainly as "electromagnetic radiation". Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. Heat is the main form the Sun's energy has when it reaches Earth, particularly the Earth's surface.

What is mechaincal energy?

The form of energy that needs a medium to travel is known as mechanical energy.For example sound needs a medium to travel,that's why sound can't travel in vacuum,light needs no medium to travel it is non mechanical form of energy.

The energy from the arrives in the form of visible and invisible light.?

Earth's, Sun

What form of energy can travel through space at the speed of light?

(a) Electromagnetic waves; that includes light. (b) Gravity waves.

Is lightning a form of electromagnetic energy?

Lightning is a form of electromagnetic energy. It is a massive electrostatic discharge of light particles between the atmosphere and the Earth.

How long can you walk from the time it takes the speed of light to travel form the sun to earth?

A few kilometers. It takes light about 8 minutes to reach Earth.

The energy that warms Earth's surface comes primarily in the form of?

Visible light from the Sun