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Batteries produce energy using a chemical reaction with electrolytes

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13y ago

The Energy output of a battery Electrical. The resulting a current by the motion of the Electrons in the external circuit.

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9y ago

Direct current (DC)

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by the chemicals

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direct current

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hghhjc hch xjnxj

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Q: What form of energy does the battery produce?
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What type of electricity a battery produce?

A battery stores energy in the chemical form. When you're ready to use the energy, the battery delivers it to you in the electrical form.

What form of energy is present in the battery?

Energy is stored in the battery in the form of chemical energy.

What energy sources uses chemical energy to produce electrical energy?

a battery.. got it off study island bby :)

Is a battery considered electricity?

The battery is not electricity. A battery is a device that stores energy in the form of chemical energy. When energy is taken out of the battery, it comes out in the form of electrical energy. And if the battery is rechargable, then energy is put into it also in the form of electrical energy. A2. There is sometimes a confusion, amongst non-technical people when discussing electrical items. A distinction is made between an AC mains operated device and a battery operated device. Calling the mains device 'electric' and the other 'battery'. A battery operated device is also 'electric', The current is DC and the voltage usually a lot lower (and safer) than the domestic supply. So yes. A battery operated device is electric. Batteries do produce electricity.

Battery disposal is a disadvantage of which form of energy-?

Battery disposal is a disadvantage of solar energy.

What of energy a battery stores?

A battery stores chemical energy which is released in the form of electricity.

What energy does a car battery produce?

The type of energy which is stored in a battery is electrical.

How is the energy stored in a torch battery?

The energy in a torch battery is stored chemically in the form of chemical potential energy. When the battery is connected in a circuit, a chemical reaction occurs within the battery, releasing this stored energy in the form of electrical energy that powers the torch.

What form of energy does battery contains?

electrical energy

A battery is what type of energy?

A battery is a form of potential chemical energy that can be converted into electrical energy to power devices.

What types of energy can be produced by a battery why is this energy important?

Batteries are designed to produce electrical energy.

What form of energy does electrical energy become in a battery operated car?

When it flows into the battery, it becomes chemical energy. When it flows out of the battery, it becomes kinetic energy.