

What form of energy is in a compressed spring?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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That would be categorized as mechanical energy.

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Q: What form of energy is in a compressed spring?
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Which has potential energy stored in the form of elastic energy?

A stretched rubber band has potential energy stored in the form of elastic energy. This energy is stored when the rubber band is stretched and can be released when the band is allowed to return to its original shape.

Compressed springs are what kind of energy?

The potential energy of a spring is defined by this equation: U=.5kx2 U= potential energy (in joules) k= the spring constant x= the displacement of the spring from equilibrium. (the amount that the spring is stretched or compressed) This equation tells us that as a spring is compressed by a distance x, the potential energy increases proportionately to x2

Is the energy stored in a compressed spring called strain energy?

The energy stored in a compressed spring is called potential energy.

What sort of energy is in the compressed spring?

Spring potential energy.

What form of energy does a compressed spring have?

A compressed spring has potential energy stored in the form of elastic potential energy. This potential energy is ready to be released as kinetic energy when the spring is allowed to expand and return to its natural state.

Is the energy stored in a compressed spring called kinetic energy?

No, the energy stored in a compressed spring is called potential energy, specifically elastic potential energy. When the spring is released, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the spring moves and accelerates.

What energy is in compressed spring?

Elastic potential energy

Is a pushed down spring kinetic energy?

No the energy stored in a compressed spring is not kinetic energy.

Does a spring has chemical potential energy when it is compressed?

no it is not,

What kinds of energy does a spring have?

a spring possesses elastic potential energy when compressed or stretched.

A compressed spring has elastic potential energy?

Yes, when a spring is compressed, it stores potential energy in the form of elastic potential energy. This energy is released when the spring is allowed to expand back to its original shape.

In the area of physics what is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position or state. It is stored energy that has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy such as kinetic energy. Examples include gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.