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Artificially acquired active immunity.

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Q: What form of immunity is acquired through vaccination?
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What is one source of passive immunity?

A form of acquired immunity resulting from antibodies that are transmitted naturally through the placenta to a fetus or through the colostrum to an infant or artificially by injection of antiserum for treatment or prophylaxis. Passive immunity is not permanent and does not last as long as active immunity.

What must a vaccination contain to make it effective in producing immunity?

A dead or inactive form of the disease.

What are examples of artificial active immunity?

Active immunity is acquired from vaccinations or from infection against a pathogen. The next time you encounter the same pathogen your body has built memory against it and will be able to fight it much more efficiently. Passive immunity is primarily through a mother to a baby or fetus. Through the placenta the mother transfers her immunity (IgG antibodies) to her fetus. Also through breast milk she can although the placenta is much more so. The baby has her/his immunity from the mother but it only lasts a few months because the baby hasn't developed his/her own immunity.

Are vaccinations the only way your child will acquire immunity?

No, immunity is also acquired from the mother and naturally through the interaction with our environment. Immunity can also be acquired by contracting a mild form of some diseases. Efforts to give a child a completely sterile environment may prove to be counter productive resulting in less resistance to disease and diseases that have grown more virulent. Many childhood diseases have been wiped out through immunization programs.

Which form of pneumonia can prevented through vaccination?


Which form of pneumonia can be prevented through vaccination?


What causes passive immunity?

The immunity is having sufficient biological defenses to avoid unwanted biological invasion. There are two types of immunities, the adaptive immunity and the innate immunity. At the same time, the adaptive immunity subdivides into natural and artificial immunity. There are two types of natural immunity, which are passive immunity (primary and secondary) and active immunity. Passive immunity is the one that the fetus receives during the pregnancy of his mother (primary immunity) and which is then reinforced during lactation (secondary immunity). It is a form of rapid protection of short duration, in which the filtered blood, that passes through the umbilical cord to the fetus, transports antibodies and defenses of the mother. It is therefore important that the mother eats well, rests and stays healthy. But the human body is so perfect that even if the mother is ill, it will take all of the nutrients and defenses to the baby so that it can develop normally. After the baby is born, it's extremely important that the mother supplement the first breastfeeding (colostrum) because it has a high concentration of immunoglobulin.

The form of pneumonia that can be prevented through vaccination is?

Bacterial pneumonia

How a vaccination can help protect the body against disease?

Vaccination is of various types. Vaccination involves the injection of weakened form of the parasite, that the body's immune system recognizes and stores it in the memory. This is called Adaptive Active Immunity. Whenever the parasite enters your system again, the B-Cells recognize the foreign particles, thus destroying them.

What is also known as acquired immunity?

Acquired immunity is a form of immunity gained from bacteria or viruses by the body ITSLEF. Essentially the body has encountered the pathogen (bacteria/virus) and learnt by itself which anti-bodies to produce to fight it. Once the body has found which antibodies are the most effective this information is stored in "memory cells" which, if encounter the same pathogen can quickly make the correct type antibodies to fight the invading pathogen and defeat it quickly. (antibodies are produced by lymphocytes which neutralize toxins and clump bacterium together meaning the phagocytes can engulf them quicker and digest via enzymes) acquired immunity is "natural" including Innate immunity (antibodies passed through placenta/breast milk. artificial immunity includes Active (given modified bacteria which does no harm but body learns how to produce antibodies) and Passive (injected with Antibodies - requires "top-up")

How small pox cure?

There is a vaccination available. A dead or weakened form of the disease is injected into the body and the body builds up an immunity to the disease. Antibodies recognize the disease microbes and attack them.

What is the full form of dpt vaccination?

DPT is short for Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus vaccine.