

What form of nuclear energy splits a nucleus?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Splitting an atom is Fission.

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Q: What form of nuclear energy splits a nucleus?
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Does nuclear power require sunlight?

No. Nuclear Power does not require sunlight. Nuclear Fission (Nuclear power) is the splitting of an atomic nucleus, when the nucleus splits into its component parts it realeses a huge amount of energy. Disambiguation: Nuclear Fusion is what occurs in stars. It is when two or more atomic nuclei fuse and form a single heavier nucleus. This is usually accompanied by the release of massive amounts of energy.

What is the joining of two or more nuclei to form a large nucleus?

nuclear energy

Why is nuclear a form of energy?

Energy is released in nuclear fission and fusion, this is a fact of the physics of the nucleus. This energy can be captured and harnessed as thermal energy (heat)

When a uranium nucleus breaks into fragments what type of nuclear reaction occurs?

In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei), often producing free neutrons and photons (in the form of gamma rays).

Nuclear energy is an alternate energy source produced from atomic reactions?

There are two: Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion. Fission is when a neutron is fired at an element with a high atomic number (usually Uranium) which then splits, releasing energy and more neutrons. this produces a chain reaction, which continues until all nuclei have been split. Fusion occurs in stars and a few experimental reactors, and happens when two forms of Hydrogen nuclei (Deuterium and Tritium) fuse into an unstable nucleus, which in turn splits again into Helium and a spare neutron. Fission can start at any temperature, but Fusion only when Hydrogen is in a plasma state.

A reaction in which small nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus?

That is nuclear fission. An example is that of a Uranium-239 atom undergoing beta decay. That is, a neutron in the nucleus ejects and electron, becoming a proton, resulting in Uranium-239 becoming Neptunium-239.

What is the procces where two or more low mass nuclei fuse to form another nucleas?

No, two nuclei do not combine to form one nucleus in nuclear fission. It is the process of nuclear fusion that speaks to the combination of two nuclei to form one nucleus. The two nuclei are fused to form a new nucleus. Nuclear fission is the "breaking" or "splitting" of an atomic nucleus into two (or possibly more) smaller fragments.

What does nuclear fusion mean?

Nuclear fusion refers to a nuclear reaction wherein two light nuclei fuse to form a heavier nucleus. This process releases energy.

Which energy releases smaller nuclei to form a larger nucleus?

You are thinking of nuclear fusion, where in the stars hydrogen forms into helium with energy release

When the nucleus of an atom splits what kind of energy is released?

First high speed neutrons, thermal energy and gamma rays are released then the byproducts emit a bit more energy in the form of beta decay.

When a subatomic particla is released it has kinetic energy what was the original form of this energy a Gravitational b Light c Nuclear d Sound?

it is (c), nuclear energy, in other words changes in the nucleus, which determine the energy and type of particle.