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Q: What form of oxygen is found in the stratosphere?
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What is the mass of oxygen in the stratosphere?

The stratosphere is the second layer of Earth's atmosphere and contains 15% of the mass found in Earth's atmosphere. The ozone can be found in the stratosphere. What you won't find there are planes and clouds.

What is a form of oxygen in the stratosphere?


What is ozone gas and what layer is it found in?

Ozone gas is a three atomic form of oxygen. It is found in the ozone layer inside the stratosphere.

How is ozone maintained in the stratosphere?

Ozone is maintained in stratosphere. It is because of UV rays.

What is the layer of the earth which is a form of oxygen and filters out most of the sun UV's radiation?

The oxygen is mostly found in the troposphere. However most of the oxygen formed OZONE is found in stratosphere. It is due to the pressure of air there and the UV rays.

What does light do to oxygen in the stratosphere?

Light in the form of visible rays does not affect ozone in stratosphere. UV rays deplete it.

What are found in the stratosphere?

The ozone molecule in found in the ozone layer. It is an allotrope of oxygen molecule.

Which layer of atmosphere keeps in oxygen?

Troposphere keeps in most of the oxygen in it. Ozone, a form of oxygen is kept in stratosphere.

Why is oxygen at earth and ozone at stratosphere although ozone is heavy?

Ozone is present at stratosphere. It is because the suitable conditions are found there.

What is ozone did not act as a filter?

Ozone is a tri-atomic form of oxygen. It acts as a filter to UV rays.Ozone is present in the stratosphere. It is a tri atomic form of nascent oxygen.

Chlorofluorocarbons rise to the stratosphere and?

Cfc's rise to the stratosphere and react with ozone. These CFC's release chlorine which reacts with ozone to deplete it and form oxygen molecule and nascent oxygen.

What gasses are in the ozone layer?

The ozone is made up of oxygen gas. 3 single atoms of oxygen form ozone.