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Gamma rays.

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Q: What form of radiation has the greater frequency?
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What is the electric charge of gamma radiation?

Gamma radiation is simple a very high-frequency form of electromagnetic radiation (essentially, a high-frequency form of light which is invisible to the human eye). As such it carries no electric charge; it is neutral.

What form of electromagnetic radiation has the highest frequency and energy?


Is frequency related to radiation?

yes frequency = 1/radiation

If you know the vacuum wavelength of any form of electromagnetic radiation you can determine its frequency because?

You know its speed in vacuum, and frequency = (speed) / (wavelength) .

Which form of electromagnetic radiation has highest level of energy how can you tell?

Energy (E) of photons of electromagnetic radiation is given by Planck's equation ..E = hf .. h = Planck constant (6.625^-34 Js), f = frequency (Hz)So E is proportional to frequency .. radiation with the highest frequency is Gamma

What types of radiation has the highest frequency?

In the electromagnetic spectrum Gamma radiation has the highest frequency.

Does a wave with low frequency carries less energy than a wave with a high frequency?

Yes. For electromagnetic radiation, the formula is E = hv, where E is energy in Joules, h is Planck's constant, 6.626 × 10-34 m2 kg/s and v is frequency. So the energy of a wave is directly proportional to the frequency. The greater the frequency, the greater the energy.

What form of radiation can be shielded by earths atmosphere?

The form of radiation shielded by atmosphere is Ultraviolet. The Ultraviolet is a part of radiation released by our star sun.

What is another name for gamma radiation?

Gamma radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a short wavelength and therefore high frequency and high energy per photon. Gamma radiation is also known as gamma rays.

What is the strongest form of radiation?

All electromagnetic waves have exactly the same amount of mass -- none.

How are the words frequency and electomagnetic radiation related?

Electromagnetic radiation E= hf is characterized by its frequency, f.

How are energy and frequency of electromagnetic radiation related?

Energy = hf where h is Planck's Constant and f is the radiation frequency.