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1mo ago

This form of nonmaterial culture is an example of symbolic culture, where meanings are assigned to gestures or symbols. In this case, the head movements convey specific meanings (yes or no) within a particular cultural context.

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Q: What form of the nonmaterial culture is illustrated by shaking one's head left and right to mean no and up and down to mean yes?
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Why do you nod your head no and shake your head yes?

The gestures of nodding your head no and shaking your head yes have evolved as nonverbal cues in many cultures to convey agreement or disagreement. It may have originated from natural head movements of disagreement (shaking head) and agreement (nodding head), which have become standardized across different societies.

What is the origin of people shaking hands?

The origin of people shaking hands is believed to be a gesture of peace and trust, dating back to ancient times when individuals extended their empty right hand to show that they were not holding a weapon. It has since evolved into a common form of greeting in many cultures and is seen as a sign of respect and goodwill.

The standards of right and wrong that influence behavior?

These standards are known as ethics or morality and are influenced by factors such as culture, religion, personal beliefs, and the law. They help guide individuals in making decisions about what is considered acceptable or unacceptable behavior in various situations.

What is the difference between social ethics and human behavior?

Social ethics refers to the moral principles that guide interactions and relationships within a society, while human behavior refers to the observable actions and reactions displayed by individuals. Social ethics provide a framework for evaluating behavior in terms of right and wrong, while human behavior encompasses a wide range of actions influenced by various factors such as culture, environment, and personal beliefs.

Why do people use their right hand to shake hands?

Using the right hand to shake hands is a common cultural practice that likely originated in medieval times as a way to show trust and peaceful intentions. Since the majority of people are right-handed, using the right hand for handshakes became the norm.