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Air moves from places of higher pressure to lower pressure, so you'll get wind or sea breeze.

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3mo ago

Sea breezes form during the day because water heats slower than land. As the land heats up faster than the water, the warm air over the land rises, creating an area of lower pressure. The cooler air over the water then moves in to fill the void, resulting in a sea breeze.

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14y ago

sea breeze:)

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Q: What forms during the day because water heats slower than land?
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Why water heats and cools slower than land?

Water heats and cools slower than land because of its higher specific heat capacity. This means that it can absorb more heat energy before its temperature changes significantly. Additionally, water has a higher thermal conductivity, allowing heat to be distributed more evenly throughout its volume compared to land.

Which heats up most rapidly during the day land or sea?

Land heats up more rapidly during the day compared to the sea due to its lower specific heat capacity. Land absorbs and releases heat quickly, while the sea has a greater capacity to store and release heat, resulting in slower temperature changes.

What heats up faster dry soil brick paper or water?

Water heats up the fastest because it has a low specific heat capacity, meaning it can absorb heat quickly. Dry soil and brick have a higher specific heat capacity, so they heat up slower. Paper is relatively thin and light, so it can heat up quickly but still slower than water.

What heats slower than land but cools faster?

Water heats slower than land but cools faster due to its higher specific heat capacity compared to land. This means it takes longer for water to heat up, but once heated, it releases heat more quickly than land when exposed to cooler temperatures.

Does Earth heat faster than water?

No, water heats up slower than land because it has a higher specific heat capacity. This means that it takes more energy to raise the temperature of water compared to land or air. As a result, land heats up and cools down more quickly than bodies of water.

Related questions

Which forms during day because water heats slower than land?

sea breeze:)

Why does land become hot faster than a body of water?

Water heats slower because it has a higher specific heat capacity.

Why is the air cooler near the ocean than it is away from the ocean?

Because water heats slower. So if you were on land it would heat up alot faster than if you were swimming in the ocean.Because water heats slower. So if you were on land it would heat up alot faster than if you were swimming in the ocean.

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Why water heats and cools slower than land?

Water heats and cools slower than land because of its higher specific heat capacity. This means that it can absorb more heat energy before its temperature changes significantly. Additionally, water has a higher thermal conductivity, allowing heat to be distributed more evenly throughout its volume compared to land.

Which heats up most rapidly during the day land or sea?

Land heats up more rapidly during the day compared to the sea due to its lower specific heat capacity. Land absorbs and releases heat quickly, while the sea has a greater capacity to store and release heat, resulting in slower temperature changes.

Does a convection oven heats food faster?

Faster than a conventional oven, slower than a microwave

What heats up faster dry soil brick paper or water?

Water heats up the fastest because it has a low specific heat capacity, meaning it can absorb heat quickly. Dry soil and brick have a higher specific heat capacity, so they heat up slower. Paper is relatively thin and light, so it can heat up quickly but still slower than water.

What heats up the earth during the day and cools it down at night?

The suns radiation heats up the earth during the day

Why we have weather?

Because the sun heats up the earth, causing differing air pressures, creating wind, rain, and all other forms of weather.

Why does New England have mild winters?

The ocean cools and heats up slower than land does; therefore, during winter, the ocean is as warm as the land in summer and in summer the water is as warm as the land in winter.

What heats slower than land but cools faster?

Water heats slower than land but cools faster due to its higher specific heat capacity compared to land. This means it takes longer for water to heat up, but once heated, it releases heat more quickly than land when exposed to cooler temperatures.