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Q: What fossil fuel could run out in the next 100 years?
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Which fossil fuel could run out in the next 100 years?

Fossil fuels are consumed at an alarming which is expected to continue to rise as the world's need and population continue to increase. Coal, natural gas, and oil are expected to be eliminated within the next 100 years.

How long will fossil fuels be available for your use?

scientists show that fossil fuels will be nowhere to be found in the next 20 to 30 years

Will coal be used in the next fifty to one hundred years?

It could be. But most likely not. In a hundred years the odds are we will find a better fuel to use or everything will be powered by electricity.

Which energy sources is likely to run out in the next 200 years?

Fossil fuels. This includes petroleum and coal.

When will the oil run out and why?

The latest reports indicate that if petroleum fuel usage continues without increasing (just at today's current rate of usage), we may very well completely run out of petroleum within the next 100 years, or possibly sooner. (**Note: The point at which we start completely running out of fossil fuels all over the planet has been termed "Peak Oil" and is the greatest threat of energy use to our planet.)Oil - 17% of fossil fuel use is oilNatural Gas - 14% of fossil fuel usage is Natural GasCoal - 69% of fossil fuel production of energy is created by coalIt will eventually run out, due to over usage, such as the petrol in cars, trains, machines etc

How does the electric generator help us?

It saves fossil fuels and the oil that scientists think that is going to run out in the next 40 years.

What changes do you expect to see in your life in the next five years and why?

Well I suppose I could die in the next five years, who knows!

What is the possibility of losing fossil fuel?

because too many people are lighting fires and killing people. YOLO!

What are the benefits of petrol?

The beneifits of petrol is that it fuels your car and it lets it go many kilometres. Petrol is also a fossil fuel and will be around for the next hundred of years. Also petrol doesn't contain lead, unlike the earlier types of petrol which contained lead and can damage your heath. the benefit of petrol is that it gives fuel to your car so it can work and drive kilometers and more.

Where is the fuel pump on the 1988 BMW 735I?

The fuel pump on my 1988 535i is right next to the back right tire. It is harnessed next to the fuel filter. I'm not sure if it would be there on your 7 series, but you could get under there with a flashlight and give it a look.

What is the most likely outcome of the use of fossil fuels is not decreased over the next 50 years?

increase in atmospheric CO2 and increase in surface temperature

What is millions of fossils that scientists have collected?

Fossil records. Next time look in your textbook.