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One of his inspirations was William Shakespeare. Also, Lord Byron.

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1mo ago

Edgar Allan Poe's works frequently explore themes of death, madness, the supernatural, and the macabre. These themes are evident in many of his well-known works, such as "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Raven," and "The Fall of the House of Usher."

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The usual plots were very gory and strange.

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Q: What four major themes did Edgar Allan Poe create his works on?
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Some theories on what caused Edgar Allan Poe's death include alcohol poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, cooping, epilepsy, and suicide. Other theories suggest he was murdered, suffered complications from rabies, or had a brain tumor. The exact cause of Poe's death in 1849 remains a mystery.

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How did Edgar Allan Poe's bitterness toward his stepfather influence his life?

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What are 15 words to describe Edgar Allan Poe?

I can think up eight in a short period of time: Dark, Imaginative, Perturbed, Loving, Melancholy, Compelling, Macabre, and Captivating.