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Q: What four social classes existed in the feudal system of western Europe?
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Who owned Manors?

Manors were owned by Lords in English or Seigneurs in French and it was a segment of the feudal system that existed in Central and Western Europe during the middle ages

How did the feudal system impact western Europe?

It was the government of Europe for a 1,000 years.

What government system emerged throughout western Europe after the fall of rome?

The feudal system .

What did the caste system in India and the feudal system in medieval western Europe have in common?

they both are boring to learn about

When did feudalism dominate Western Europe?

Feudalism dominated political life in Western Europe from the 9th Century to the beginning of the 14th Century. Feudal lords, rather than kings were the powerful rulers during this time in history.

How did feudal lords in Western Europe in the 11th century defend their territories?

they raised private armies of knights in exchange for military services

Why isn't western Europe still operating under a feudal system?

because it work for years but the people got out for the feudal system for the right to vote if they were stal in the system we would be it it to int he usa but they did not so were not

What is a feudal economic system?

Every estate was self-sufficient and produced or grew everything it needed to function.

How did the feudal system affect the theater?

Feudalism caused people of western Europe to be largely restricted in terms of travel, and therefore the arts flourished in the cities churches and cathedrals.

How did crusades affect the government economy and culture of Europe?

It eliminated the feudal system in Europe. Which gave increased power to the king.

What are facts on the feudal system?

the feudal system was sustained by the rights and privileges given to the upper classes and in most cases enacted by laws

In Europe the crusades resulted in?

The strengthening of the feudal system