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The 4 substances are Lipids, Proteins, Chitin and Calcium Carborate.

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Q: What four substances make up the exoskeleton of a crayfish?
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What two characteristics make a crayfish and arthropod?

Crayfish are classified as arthropods, because of their characteristic segmented bodies, chitinous exoskeleton, and joint appendages.

How do you raise crayfish?

Crayfish (or crawdads) live in aquariums.They can go extremely long periods of time without eating and they will eat gunk that is stuck to the bottom of the aquarium and live fish. Sometimes they will also eat fish food and shrimp pellets. if there are other fish living in the aquarium, make sure you cut of the crayfish's claws so they cannot catch the fish(it does not hurt them and the claws will grow back when they malt their exoskeleton). temperature and lighting do not really effect the crayfish so you don't have to worry about controling that. Every 3 to 12 months, a crayfish will malt its exoskeleton; leave the old exoskeleton in the aquarium for the crayfish to eat because this will help him grow a healthy one the next time. Crayfish like to have a rock or cave-like structure to shelter in.

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What is the difference between a frog and a crayfish?

Crayfish live in the water, dragonflies dont. crayfish have pincers & gills, dragonflies dont. Dragonflies have wings, crayfish dont. dragonflies start life a a larvae, crayfish dont.

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Because the smoke of a cigarette contains about 4,000 dangerous substances. What do you think that FOUR THOUSANDS of dangerous substances can do to your organism? To make you stronger and healthier?

What is different between a frog and a crayfish?

A frog can ribbet and have different color skin and a crayfish doesn't make sounds

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The four elements of protoplasm are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen

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Do crayfish make their habitat?

Creatures do not make their habitat though often modify it.

How many segments make up the crayfish body?


Does an exoskeleton prevent flying?

Not at all, as insects are among the most succesful flyers on the planet and they all have an exoskeleton. They actually used part of it to make their wings.

Do mussels have a exoskeleton?

Yes, wood-like valves or shells make up their exoskeleton.