

Best Answer

1) They are major decomposers in most ecosystems

2) Responsible for nutrient cycling

3) Degrade organic matter to ingorganic matter

4) Critical part of biogeochemical cycles

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Q: What four ways that fungi are ecologically important?
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What are four ways fungi are similar to animals?

I only have two ways Fungi can reproduce and so can animals Fungi are made of cells and so are animals

What is economic important of fungi?

the economic important of a fungi is how they using asexual repruducing :)

What are one of the ways fungi reproduce?

they do

Why are fungi good?

Fungi are one of the most important groups of organisms on the planet. This is easy to overlook, given their largely hidden, unseen actions and growth. They are important in an enormous variety of ways.

Is there 3 ways that fungi reproduce?

Fungi reproduce in two ways. The first is through spores, which break loss and produce more on the surface they attach to. The second is asexually through vegetative growth.

What is a useful fungi?

Fungi can be useful in various ways. The most important use for humans is the fact that it is used for medicine which is used in managing various health conditions.

What are 2 ways that fungi reproduces?

asexualy and sexualy

What Ways are fungi harmful?

because they spoil food

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What are the two ways fungi produce spores.?

sexual and asexual

How fungi similar to animals?

Fungi and animals are not similar in very many ways. One similarity does stand out, and that is the fact that both animals and fungi have to take in food from outside sources.

Ways of controlling the invasiveness of fungi?

Giving animals a vaccination and covering it with ointment, then smoothing the ointment out will hopefully get rid of diseases from fungi.