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Q: What fraction not using any 1s is the same even if you turn it upside down?
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What fraction is the same even though it's upside down (not including ones)?

Suppose the fraction is x. Then the upside down fraction is 1/x (x cannot be 0 since in that case the upside down fraction is not defined).The two fractions are the same.Therefore x = 1/x.Multiplying both sides by x gives x^2 = 1And that only has the solutions x = 1 and x = -1.So, not including ones leave the fraction -1 (or in ratio form, -1/1).

Where can I buy hang upside down technology?

Hang upside down technology comes in different forms. Different places sell inversion tables or upside down chairs. There are stores online for the inversion tables and Wal-Mart even has a hang upside down chair for sale.

Can you put in the stator upside down on a 2004 Honda 450r causing it to have no spark?

If the stator is put in upside down then it won't even start, most of the time the wire won't even reach to connect.

What bird is know to fly backwards and even upside down?

The Hummingbird

Can the Lego people stand or lie down?

they stand, sit, lie down, and even stand upside down.

What does and upside down question mark mean?

An upside down question mark (¿) is used at the beginning of a question in Spanish to denote that a question is being asked. In general, it serves the same purpose as a regular question mark but is specific to the Spanish language.

What are facts about the number 6?

if you turn it upside down its a 9 lol

How do you bring out natural curls?

If you already have natural curls you can bring them out by using curling shampoo/ conditoner or buying products such as curling spray, jel, and even flipping your hair upside down to give it more "emmph".

How do sloth eat?

They mostly eat twigs and leaves but also flower petals. They eat everything upside down. Believe it or not they even give birth and sleep upside down.

What are good tank mates for an upside down catfish?

Julii corydoras and neon tetras to even African cichlids.

Is it easy to read upside down words?

It is not easy. However, you can train yourself to do it. The ability must be learned through a lot of practice and patience. People who read a lot have a better ability to recognize words even if they are upside down and backwards.

Do monkeys sleep upside down?

Monkeys do not typically sleep upside down. They usually sleep lying down, sitting, or even curled up in a hammock-like position. While some monkey species like spider monkeys or orangutans may occasionally hang from tree branches while sleeping, they are not usually seen sleeping completely upside down.