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Q: What frequencies travel furthest through water?
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Do all frequencies of sound travel faster in warm air than in cool air?

Frequencies of sound should travel faster in cold air because it is more dense than warm air. Sound propagates much faster through water than air for the same reason.

How does water travel through water?


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Radio signals can travel through salt water.

What type of wave cannot travel completely through water?

The S Wave (Secondary Wave) cannot travel through water. On the P Wave (Primary Wave) and the Surface Wave can travel through water.

Can electricity travel through mineral water?

Yes, electricity can travel through mineral water because of the presence of ions.

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Sound can not travel through?


Why can sound not travel through a vacumm?

Because sound must have a physical medium through which to travel, like air or water water.

Why does water move through gravel than clay?

Because gravel has gaps that the water can travel through and clay is less likely to although water can still travel through it but slower

Do waves travel through water?

Waves travel through everything, whether they are composed of solidity or not.

Which wave cannot travel through air or water?

THROUGH air or water transverse waves cannot travel. But on the surface of water transverse waves can be produced