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Q: What fruit Starts with letter p you peel the skin and eat the seeds?
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What fruit starts with the letter p has a peel and its name describes its shape?


How can you tell that it is a fruit?

if it has seeds in it,and bananas are a fruit because there seeds are in the peel. in science, plants that have seeds inside are considered a fruit, but if you are making a fruit salad or a vegetable salad, then the vegetables are salty and fruits are sweat.

What structure does the ovary develop into?

The protective coating on a fruit, for oranges, say orange peel. The skin of a fruit.

What is something that is thrown away and starts with the letter A?

* Aluminum cans * Aluminum foil * Apple cores * Apple seeds * Apples * Ashes * Ashtray * Avocado peel

What is a four letter word for outer layer of fruit?


Which Fruit peel is edible but not fruit?

There is no such fruit where its peel (Exocarp) is only edible.

Do you need to peel citrus before juicing?

For a juicer that blends everthing within it, no peel or seeds should be juiced. But such a juicer is not best used with citrus. A citrus juicer, whether powered or a simple hand juicer, simlply reams out a cut fruit half, releasing all the juice without taking the pulp or peel, and the seeds are filtered out. For such a juicer, do not peel the fruit; simply cut it in half cross-ways. Adding to the previous answer and from personal experience the best would be to peel the rind before putting in a juicer.

Can cantaloupe mold?

Yes, cantaloupe can mold. This usually happens to over-ripe fruit and typically starts at the stem end (on uncut fruit) which has more moisture that the rough peel.

What are the body parts of a watermelon?

Is this a trick question or for real? Watermelon is a fruit, a seed pod. It is the part of the plant to effect reproduction.

What is fruit and vegetable peel?

Fruit is an flower which gets ripped and becomes as an fleshy part of t he plant called fruit Vegetable peel means the outer layer of the vegetable which we peel of while cooking or eating raw it is called as VEGETABLE PEEL

Do you have to peel Sharon fruit?

no you dont have to but the peel is bitter. better to peel unless you like the taste.

If you used an apple to represent the what would each part be?

The what? If you are talking about Earth....The seeds represent the core, the actual fruit of the apple represent the mantle and the peel represents the crust.