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Hermit crabs can have pretty much any kind of fruit for vegetable except for anything with citrus

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Q: What fruit and veggies can hermit crabs not have?
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Do cats eat hermit crabs?

I have never seen it but I feed mine veggies

How often do you feed a hermit crab?

You need to keep food in their bowl and change daily. hermit crabs are scavengers so they eat fruit and veggies, so when you eat fruits or veggies take a little chunck off and put it in their bowl.

What is a hermit crab and what do they eat?

Hermit crabs are scavengers so in the wild they will climb trees to eat insects and will eat fallen fruit from trees. in captivity you should have a food bowl and change the food once a day. the food you should be fruit and veggies.

What is a hermit crabs favorite food?

Hermit Crabs like fruit ( No citrus fruit), palm tree bark, and my hermit crabs love Zoo Meds Hermit Crab food.Don't get the dried up shrimp for them, they won't eat it.

What can hermit crabs eat at Thangsgiving dinner?

you can feed your hermit crab some veggies and fruits but not turkey

Can hermit crabs eat onions?

No, they can eat fruits and veggies, just not onions

Do hermit crabs eat dried apricots?

Yes hermit crabs eat apricots and lots more fruits, veggies, meats, and dairy hope it helped!

What do hermit crabs mainly eat?

Fresh fruits, veggies, unseasoned meat, nuts.

What does hermie crabs eat?

Hermit crabs are scavengers, so they will eat fruits, veggies, and sea food like shrimp.

Will hermit crabs eat fruit?

Yes. Hermit crabs love fruits, vegetables, and other snacks like unsalted crackers. Just don't give your hermit crabs any citrus fruits.

Can hermit crabs eat fruit?

yes they will but certain tipes of fruit though.

How do you pamper your hermit crab?

You already know what temp, humidity, kinds of water, ( if you don't google how to take care of hermit crabs) You can have alot of space like 3 small hermies in a 10 gallon tank and have diffrent shells, climbing toys (not too many) diffrent foods (hermit crabs are scavengers they can eat people fruit and veggies).