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carrots and greens. but not too much or the Guinea pig will get sick.

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Q: What fruits and veggies can you give a guinea pig if its on a diet?
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What can guinea pig eat while pergent?

the guinea pig can eat its normal diet, you may want to give her extra veggies for more nutrients.

What type of diet do I gve a guinea pig diet?

Fruits, grains and vegetables. Alfalfa in the form of pellets. Incorrect answer. If they are below 6 months, give them alfalfa hay, a constant supply. If they are above that age, give them a constant source of timothy hay. Give them one cup of veggies a day, such as green lettus (not iceberg) celery and carrots. Give them plain pellets because guinea pigs can choke on the seeds. Try for high quality pellets like oxbow.

What not to give pigs?

Guinea pigs can have guinea pig food and any fruits and veggies but they need vitamin c from things like oranges and red bell peppers but other wise any human food is bad for them

How do vegans get elements of a balanced diet?

A diet based on whole grains, veggies and fruits, beans, nuts and seeds will give you everything you need. Be sure to get enough protein and vary your diet to help prevent food intolerances.

What is in the hermit crab diet?

Hermit crabs eat a variety of food, like storebought food, fruits, veggies, and fish. DO NOT give your crab dairy. He will DIE.

What fruits should give your guinea pig?

You can give your guinea pigs any fruit but not too much acidy fruits as it is bad for their teeth and stomachs.

What give fruits and veggies all different colors?

The chemicals in the food

Is there vitamin c in guinea pig food?

it depends on what type of food you get some guinea pig food contains a the right amount of vit c for a guinea pig and some food contains very small amounts and sometimes none but you still have to give your piggy fruits and veggies.

Why do we need fruits and vegetables?

Fruits and veggies give our bodies vitamins and minerals and carbs that we need to grow and stay healthy.

What brand of food do guinea pigs eat?

well, a guinea pig can have most foods but not alfalfa hay! only pregnant cavys should have that. So any kind of pellets is okay, make sure you give your cavys plenty of fruits and veggies AND timothy hay. Bye!

If guinea pigs are on a diet what do they eat?

Guinea pigs shouldn't be put on a diet. You just reduce the amount of treats you give etc

What are the uses of juice extractor?

Feeding it various fruits and veggies causes it to strain them to give you juice