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is to transport the blood away from the heart

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Q: What function do the arteries serve?
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What are the heart's arteries?

The arteries that actually serve the heart itelf are known as coronary arteries.

What is the function of capallaries?

The capillaries serve as the bridge between arteries and veins where the exchange of chemical substances inside the body occurs.

Description and function of the artery?

arteries description and function

What is the function of haemoglobin arteries?

the function of the haemoglobin arteries is to pump di-oxygenated blood from the heat to the lungs so you can breathe

What Function Does The Heart Serve?

The heart PUMPS BLOOD through the arteries throughout your body. Veins take blood to your heart, arteries take blood away. some people think the heart pumps blood into your veins but that is NOT true. Your veins take the blood to your heart, the arteries take the blood away from your heart.

What do the valves in arteries do?

Valves function to help keep blood flowing toward the heart. Arteries function to carry blood away from the heart.

How does arteries function?

The arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body. The walls of arteries are muscular allowing the arteries to constrict or dilate. The more constricted the arteries are, the higher the blood pressure.

What is the function of atery?

The function of arteries is to conduct blood away from the heart. This blood is usually oxygenated but there are two notable exceptions which are the pulmonary and umbilical arteries.

What is the function pulmonary arteries?

The pulmonary arteries deliver blood to the lungs from the heart so it can be oxygenated.

What is the function of the urinary arteries?

You may mean the renal arteries. They supply the kidneys with oxygenated blood.

The function of the arteries and veins... how is this related to the function?

they all three carry blood

What organ the coronary arteries and cardiac veins serve?

the heart